
Lily Allen Keeps It Real and Discusses Her Family, Fame and "Sheezus" with Pop Justice

Dyandra Morris

by Dyandra Morris

Published April 24, 2014


Pop Justice sat down with British pop queen Lily Allen and had a rather refreshing interview.

The interview went something like a conversation between two F bomb loving friends. No room for pretending, Lily kept it real. When asked about her ambition, Lily made it known that she's not about world domination.

"I do give a fuck...I just want enough people to buy this record for my record company to let me do it again. It’s a great job and I really enjoy the process of making music. And if I can keep doing that then I’ll be really happy" said Lily.

She divulged on a couple of her favorite people and personal songs. One of the songs happens to be her recently released single "Sheezus," the title track off of her upcoming third studio album. She admitted, "I'm still LOLing to myself. I think it’s hilarious. Some people are just so offended by it, it makes me laugh how up in arms people get about these things."

In regards to her personal life, she emphasizes that she too is an everyday human. Unlike most celebrities, she refuses to drag her daughter's into the spotlight. "...I don’t think it’s my right to say that they’re for public consumption. It’s their lives." And she definitely won't be feeding them with a golden spoon either, “if you want to be fucking famous go and do it yourself like your mum did."

Lily also took the time to answer questions that were given by fans via Twitter. You can read the full article at Pop Justice.

Sheezus is set to be released on May 6th and you can pre-order it through Amazon.

For Lily Allen's latest music, news, and tour dates, check out her Zumic artist page.


Lily Allen
Indie Pop Ska
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