
"Blue Collar Blues" & "Rambler's Anthem" - Yonder Mountain String Band at The LC Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio on October 31, 2015 [YouTube Official Videos]

Francesco Marano

by Francesco Marano

Published February 29, 2016

This past Halloween, Colorado bluegrass band Yonder Mountain String Band dressed up as punks and performed a near 30 song set of music for the lucky people in Columbus, Ohio. Recently, the band uploaded live videos of a lengthy "Blue Collar Blues" and an encore of "Rambler's Anthem" from that night onto their YouTube channel. Watch below:

"Blue Collar Blues" - Yonder Mountain String Band at The LC Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio October 31, 2015
"Rambler's Anthem" - Yonder Mountain String Band at The LC Pavilion in Columbus, Ohio October 31, 2015
Yonder Mountain String Band
Americana Bluegrass Jamband
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