
"Jim Henson vs Stan Lee" - Epic Rap Battles of History [YouTube Official Music Video]

Sebastien Francois

by Sebastien Francois

Published August 4, 2015


Epic Rap Battles of History “Jim Henson vs Stan Lee” CREDITS:
▼ CAST ▼
Jim Henson: Nice Peter

This week's Epic Rap Battles of History features a match between Jim Henson and Stan Lee. Watch above as the two creators throw comedic daggers back and forth.

For all the young Zumic readers, Jim Henson was a puppeteer and cartoonist known for creating the Muppets. Stan Lee is a famous comic book writer and co-creator of many classic characters such as Spider-Man, the Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor. Played by Nice Peter and EpicLLOYD respectively, the two take turns discrediting each other's creations.

Walt Disney, played by Zach Sherwin, delivers a few unsparing bars towards the end of the video. The Disney company currently owns Marvel Comics, where Stan Lee worked for decades, as well as the rights to The Muppets.

For more on Epic Rap Battles of History, visit their Zumic artist page.


Source: ERB YouTube Channel

Epic Rap Battles of History
Comedy Hip Hop
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