
"Keep Your Heart Young" - Brandi Carlile [YouTube Official Video]

Jimmy Haas

by Jimmy Haas

Published July 22, 2013

Brandi Carlile's latest video is a tribute to childhood. "Keep Your Heart Young" is a celebration of being a kid and having fun, and the video reflects those values. Carlile enlisted her young niece and nephews to occasionally sub in for her and her bandmates in the video performance, hopping back and forth between child and adult. Shot to look like old home movies, the video is also heavy on footage of kids being kids, usually hurting themselves and running into things, which is a big part of being a kid. If nostalgia was embodied in a song and a video, this would probably be it.

You can get Brandi Carlile's latest album, Bear Creek, on iTunes.

via: Paste

Brandi Carlile
Alt Country Folk
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