
"Man" - Neko Case [Youtube Audio Stream]

Zumic Staff

by Zumic Staff

Published June 13, 2013

Wow, Neko's back and she ain't messin around folks. First off, we have the decidedly awesome and M. Ward-featuring "Man" that flies out of the gates instantly with Ward's exceptional picking leading the way for Neko to drop the opening head-turning line "I'm a man, that's what you raised me to be". She doesn't back off at all from there, as she continues with more don't-fuck-with-me lyrics like "If you're a dipshit drunk in pink perfume / Then I am the man in the fucking moon", dang girl! Her aggressive sentiment is perfectly suited for the fantastic swirling of guitars that fills the song, really good stuff.

This impressive single comes on the heels of Neko's equally impressive album trailer, which announced the title of her new record as The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You while displaying a foreboding series of images of a solitary Case wandering a farm soundtracked by an equally foreboding song. This unnamed tune sort of sounds like Mogwai if they were from Nashville and fronted by Case... so really, really damn good in other words.

Not that I needed all this goodness to get excited for a new Neko Case record, but the announced Sept 3rd release date can't get here fast enough now. For all the info on Ms. Case you could ever need, check out her website right here.

M. Ward Neko Case
Alt Country Americana
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