
In the Movie Business, Slash has 'Nothing Left to Fear' [Audio Interview With CBC Radio's 'Q']

Zach Ayer

by Zach Ayer

Published September 20, 2013


"My first really good horror experience when I moved to the states was going with my mom to see Night of the Living Dead and the Exorcist," says Guns n Roses guitarist Slash, discussing Nothing Left to Fear, an upcoming film that he scored and co-produced. In the interview with CBC Radio One's 'Q' segment, the rock-star-turned-movie-executive discusses his relationship with horror, and his devotion to making a movie that he hopes audiences will find truly scary.

Releasing in select theaters on October 4th and a home DVD, Blu-Ray, and On-Demand release four days later, Nothing Left to Fear stars "Revenge's" James Tupper as a new pastor of Stull, Kansas, where his family begins to experience the horrors of living next to one of the "Seven Gates of Hell." In choosing this movie, Slash hopes to create a horror movie more memorable for the suspense and story rather than the gore, which is strange given his aptly named production company "Slasher Films."

"I want people to be genuinely scared, I want you to get attached to the characters and start going along with the story so that you become so immersed that when something happens you weren't expecting you actually jump. I think the suspense and that sort of 'bump in the night' kind of thing is what gives a movie the right to be considered scary."

Slash composed thirty-two songs for the film with Nick O'Toole. In his first foray into scoring, he relates the darkness of it to his rock roots: "Rock and Roll and horror just seem to fit together, like, from a sound [perspective]. You can take a lot of different bands and make them the background music from a lot of different movies and it would work perfectly."

Check out the trailer:

This is the first film released by Slasher Films, and it is gaining buzz, screening exclusively in Canada as part of the "Sinister Film Series" this week. For Slash however, buzz and money made are not a high priority. This is purely a project of passion. "I can't say much about being the big business guy, I definitely didn't get in to this 'cause I thought 'Oh, we can make a ton of money', it was just to be able to be involved in the process of making a horror movie. But now I'm dying to do another one."

More information about Nothing Left to Fear can be found on the film's Facebook Page.

You can pre-order the soundtrack (and pick up some other movie memorabilia) by pledging money on PledgeMusic.

Source: CBC

Guns N' Roses Slash
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