
"Midnight Memories" - One Direction [YouTube Official Music Video]

Mallory Delchamp

by Mallory Delchamp

Published February 10, 2014

The latest music video from British pop boy-band One Direction was released on January 31st. The single, "Midnight Memories," is the title track from their third studio album. Like many of their previous hits, "Midnight Memories" is upbeat, fun, and catchy. This particular song also has an '80s vibe to it which also makes it unique and different from the British group's former singles.

The music video is the epitome of innocent and boyish fun, and it most definitely showcases the popular boy band's careless yet fun loving persona. Complete with a climb atop the London Bridge, a motorized scooter race, and a house party, Midnight Memories is a music video highlighting a random night out with the lovable boys of One Direction.

One Direction's latest album, Midnight Memories, can be purchased on iTunes.


Source: One Direction Vevo YouTube Channel

One Direction
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