
"Black Soap" - Ex Cops [YouTube Official Music Video]

Evan Petersen

by Evan Petersen

Published August 19, 2014

Following the release of "Black Soap" as a single last month, Ex Cops have shared a new music video for the track. The song is slated to come out on Daggers, the band's upcoming sophomore album.

The video is a vintage-style romp through New York, relying on beautiful camera work and quick edits rather than a storyline. Shot on 16mm film, the dreamy video sees the duo singing "Black Soap" in the back of a convertible, but the real stars of the clip are the various effects and lighting tricks. Director Philippe Grenade told Stereogum:

In a world where DSLR videos are a norm, it’s refreshing to return to the now archaic format of 16mm film, not only for its beautiful granular structure and ’70s cult cinema aesthetic, but also because there is no magic in instant gratification. Lacking the ability to playback a take and then sending off a can of undeveloped film to the lab without an inkling of an idea if what you’ve shot is absolute gold or absolute shit or if a light leak ruined all your fantastic images is the most excitingly anticipatory feeling as a filmmaker.

Daggers will be out October 28th on Downtown Records. For more music and news, check out Ex Cops' Zumic artist page.




Source: Ex Cops YouTube Channel
Via: Stereogum

Ex Cops
Indie Indie Pop
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