
Father John Misty Full Performance at the Pitchfork Music Festival in Paris, France on Oct 31, 2015 [YouTube Official Video]

Zac Lavender

by Zac Lavender

Published December 17, 2015



I Love You, Honeybear
Strange Encounter
True Affection
Only Son of the Ladiesman
When You're Smiling and Astride Me
Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins)
Bored in the USA
Nothing Good Ever Happens at the Goddamn Thirsty Crow
Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings
The Ideal Husband

Pitchfork has shared official pro-shot video of Father John Misty's set at their 2015 Pitchfork Music Festival in Paris. Check out the full concert above, via YouTube.

Singer-songwriter Josh Tillman (aka Father John Misty) performed a powerful set consisting primarily of songs from his 2015 release, I Love You, Honeybear. This extraordinary concert was fueled by extraordinary fans in Paris who burst into applause as Father John Misty made his way on stage to sing the album's title track.

FJM brings out his sarcastically dry wit, at one point telling the audience "feel free to dance" during a depressed, solo piano interlude. Additionally, the concert footage is wonderful and maintains a very cinematic feel throughout the engaging performance. The only flaw is intermittent technical difficulties that sound like a guitar amp's reverb springs getting shaken around. Aside from that, the fidelity is excellent.

I Love You, Honeybear is available on Amazon (Vinyl, CD, MP3). You can also stream the album for free and read our review right here on Zumic.

For Father John Misty's latest music, news, and tour dates, check out his Zumic artist page.

Source: Pitchfork Official YouTube Channel

Father John Misty
Pop Rock Singer-Songwriter
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