
"The Big Dream" - David Lynch [Spotify Album Stream]

Zumic Staff

by Zumic Staff

Published July 9, 2013

David Lynch is known for blowing minds, so it should come as no surprise that his trippy sophomore album The Big Dream is an amalgam of spacey-blues that would be the perfect soundtrack for driving up Mulholland Drive or wandering around Ghostwood Forest late at night.

On the whole, The Big Dream is a chilled-out cruise through dark themes, driven by Lynch's massively effected vocals, wide-open drum sounds, and guitar strums rendered almost unrecognizable by reverb. It works its psycho-acoustic magic, though, and winds up being almost hypnotic. In fact, I'm so compelled to recommend this record that I may have been hypnotized.


The record is slated for release on July 16th, but you can stream the whole thing right now above. Seriously, go check it out.

David Lynch
Avant-Garde Blues Electronic Miscellaneous
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