
"Torito" - Rodrigo y Gabriela Live from the Artists Den 4.28.2014 [Official Youtube Videos]

Fanny Wynn

by Fanny Wynn

Published July 11, 2014

On April 28th, 2014, the eve of the Mexican guitar duo's 9 Dead Alive album release, Rodrigo y Gabriela performed at the Sorolla Gallery in NYC's Hispanic Society of America for a small audience. The concert will air on PBS Television as part of the Live from the Artists Den series. Watch a preview below.

Rodrigo y Gabriela "Torito" on Live from the Artists Den 4.28.2014
"Inside the Den" with Rodigro y Gabriela on Live from the Artists Den 4.28.2014

Within seconds of “Torito,” from 9 Dead Alive, one cannot deny the raw talent of these two guitarists. Something which is harder to place is the duo's genre. While many may categorize their music as flamenco, that is far from encompassing everything Rodrigo y Gabriela bring to the table. The band is very open about their various influences, ranging from traditional latin musicians to rock bands such as Led Zeppelin and Metallica.

In the tradition of Live at the Artists Den, Rodrigo y Gabriela chose the performance space. The Sorolla Gallery holds fourteen paintings that comprise Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida's masterwork, Vision of Spain, an early 1900s collection that celebrates Spain’s many customs. The stunning backdrop merges beautifully with the mix of Rodrigo’s melodies and Gabriela’s driving percussive force.

Rodrigo y Gabriela’s passion is clear throughout the performance of “Torito.” Gabriela stomps as she slaps the neck of her guitar, creating a hypnotic rhythm you cannot resist tapping along to. Rodrigo takes the lead with creative, yet precise melodies. At about three minutes into the video, Rodrigo picks up a beer bottle and plays some bluesy slide-guitar licks. Neither Rodrigo nor Gabriela dominate the performance, as their guitars blend in an organic way that leaves audiences wanting more.

Rodrigo y Gabriela are now touring and promoting their newest album, 9 Dead Alive, which is you can stream right here on Zumic.

For Rodrigo y Gabriela’s latest music, news, and tour dates, check out their Zumic artists page.


Source: Artists Den Youtube

Rodrigo y Gabriela
Classical Folk Jazz Latin Rock Metal
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