
"Pablo Picasso vs Bob Ross" - Epic Rap Battles of History [YouTube Official Video + Lyrics]

by Alex Ash

Published November 18, 2013


Cast and crew from the YouTube description:
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Bob Ross: Nice Peter |

This installment of Epic Rap Battles of History sees two famous artists face off. The technically skilled, but avant-garde Pablo Picasso, and the calm teacher who taught a generation of stoners how to paint "happy little trees," Bob Ross.

The two trade jabs at a breakneck pace, with plenty of in-jokes and historical references. Although Bob Ross is known for being as cool as a cucumber, he's also a total badass, including quite a career in the military, so Picasso may not have been the best opponent for a battle. That said, Picasso wasn't without his brutal strokes. Either way, the video is hilarious and remarkably educational. Let us know who won in the comments.

Catch the most recent Epic Rap Battle "Miley Cyrus vs. Joan of Arc" right here at Zumic.

Source: Epic Rap Battles of History YouTube Channel


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