
"See It Through" - GodWolf [YouTube Official Music Video + Lyrics]

by Kara Bertoncini

Published August 21, 2014

Melbourne duo GodWolf have released the official music video to their third single, "See It Through," which is a visual and sonic feast. Directed by Max Miller and Jeff Johnson of Frank Meets Wolf, the video was shot on-location in Alaska encapsulating the frozen landscapes of an icy winter's day.

The song laments about a lost love and the mood of the video expresses this beautifully. Opening with a crackling home movie, the scene is set. The story follows a guy and a girl who we presume were in a relationship, but has since ended. The girl is seen venturing freely into the lush forests and dancing on frozen lakes, conveying a sense of freedom she once missed.

The guy is in fact lead singer of GodWolf, Joe Kosky, and is projected in a series of stunning sequences to be mourning the shattered romance. His sadness beams through the lens of the camera as his isolation is embodied in the powerful final image of the video.

The boys of GodWolf are currently working on their next EP which will be released later this year. In the meantime, be sure to tune to Triple J Unearthed, SoundCloud, and their Zumic artist page for all the latest in news, music, and tour dates.

Source: etcetc Music YouTube Channel


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