
"Forgotten Man" - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers [Lyrics + Spotify Audio Stream]

Jarrett Hoffman

by Jarrett Hoffman

Published June 25, 2014

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers have given us another taste of Hypnotic Eye with the song "Forgotten Man." Vocally and lyrically, this song sees Petty at his most inward and destitute, with images like "lonesome dogs." Then, a little over halfway through, it explodes into a fiery guitar solo reminiscent of '70s classic rock.

You can listen to the four other singles released from Hypnotic Eye here at Zumic: "Fault Lines," “Red River,” “U Get Me High,” and “American Dream Plan B.” Stay tuned to Zumic for more coverage of the album, out July 29th.

Tom Petty is giving away copies of Hypnotic Eye with every ticket for his upcoming 2014 tour. That includes advance downloads of five tracks from the album. These downloads are also available if you pre-order the album on either iTunes or Petty’s site, or if you are a member of the group’s Highway Companions Club.

For Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ latest music, news, and tour dates, check out their Zumic artist page.


Source: Spotify

Tom Petty Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Blues Rock Classic Rock Rock
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